LLCE- Terminale
Mme Legrand 2023-2024
Leaving For The Land Of Milk And Honey
Tf Immigration Llce Pour Projection
1a- Emma Lazzarus, The New Collossus, 1889
1b- Immigrants arriving in New York City, 1887
1c - You tired, You poor Rupert Morgan, 2008
1d- From Germany to the US,
The vision of Emma Blau,
Ursula Hegi, 2000
1e- Living the American Dream, The vision of Emma Blau, Ursula Hegi, 2000
2c- Irish memorial : dossier
American Land
Llcer Descriptif Épreuve De Bac
Recap Unit Spécialité
Fiche Méthode 8 Manuel Llce Let'S Meet Up Hatier
Barème Explicité
Emotion Feelings
Broaden Your Vocabulary Hope