1ère -
AC Legrand
Déroulé Des Activités Ireland, A Land Of Songs And History
Ireland, A Land Of Songs And History
6C Zombies, The Cranberries, 1994 (Lyrics)
6B The Tragedy Behind The Cranberries Song 'Zombie' That Made The Irish Band A Global Sensation
4c- Bruce Springsteen-American Land
Original link
1b- Manuel Hit the Road, 1ère, p 23: Facts and figures about Ireland
Let's play Kahoot
2a- Saint Patrick's Day Animated History
Saint Patrick's Day is the largest Irish celebration in the world and this video explains the history of this famous saint's day Saint Patrick was born in Wa...
Original link
2b- St Patrick In America
Broaden your Vocabulary - Hunger
Manuel Hit The Road, Vocabulary Anglais1Re Uv02 0
Annexe 5a 2: Sunday Bloody Sunday
annexe 6: Bono discusses U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday" for Louder Than Words
Original link
Annexe 1: History of Ireland timeline.
A timeline created with Timetoast's interactive timeline maker.
Original link